Tuesday, September 7, 2010

failure thanks to the phone :P

Even though texting can keep your social life at a high level, it sometimes affects your English skills by bringing your essay scores lower. At first, when you barely start getting the hang of texting, you tend to spell out every word, and write good sentences. After a while, you start to look for short cuts in writing words, such as writing “u” instead of “you”, or “ppl” instead of “people”. Or maybe you’ll even come up with abbreviations, such as that “omg” means “oh my goodness”, or that “lol” means “laugh out loud”. After a while of this, your brain puts the proper spelling of words in the lost and found section of your memory box. Then, next thing you know, it’s time to write an English paper. You write the essay, no problem, and turn it in. but when you get it back from the teacher you have a lot of red marks on it! As your flipping through the pages to find out why you got a low score on it, you notice that all the red marks are from words as simple as “u” that you misspelled. As you try to go back and fix your errors, you realize that texting has taken over and led you to another failed paper.


  1. "OMG" u are absolutely right about this!

  2. I guess I would agree but I beg to differ aswell. I do catch myself writing a paper like I'm texting, but then I fix it before I turn it in.

  3. texting is making the next generation illiterate lol

  4. You are right, there is too much text abreviations, and everyone has gotten used to them.

  5. If you gave a teacher twenty years ago a paper from today using text language it would be dripping red.

  6. These abbreviations make me crazy! I need some practice:0)

  7. I hate the "i.m." language... OMG... What are people talking about now a days???

  8. Texting has made it so easy for us to be lazy in spelling out words. We don't see it until it affects us.

  9. never thought about texting abbreviations or short cuts having an affect on our english language

  10. Huh, I never really thought about texting causing us any trouble in our writing skills.

  11. i used to text like that, with shortcuts but now that my phone has a keyboard i dont need to =)
