Thursday, December 2, 2010

blog 15

According to the video schools are feeding really bad food to kids while spending less than a dollar in most schools and in some even as low as 56cents. The government isn’t doing anything about it either or the USDA; they just get the cheaper stuff. Some things that were impressive were that Ann Cooper has classes for both gardening and cooking, plus they use what they grow in the cafeteria. Also that she put in salads bars in some schools to make in healthier for kids. I think I might be able to use this in my paper since it has to do with children and unhealthy foods. Over all I thought the video was very informative and interesting.


  1. its because they spend less than a dollar that the food tastes like crap

  2. I'm not sure how a salad bar would go over in an elementary school because I'd be afraid of the kids doing something to it unless they had someone watch over the bar so the food stays clean.

  3. I wonder why parents now a day do not seemed concerned with what their children eat in school...
