Tuesday, November 16, 2010

who doesnt love Family Guy!!

We all love a good laugh at times right? Well I know of a show that can make anyone laugh no matter what. The show Family Guy may not be an appropriate show for young kids to watch, but it will make older people laugh with its creativity of the different characters and the way they act.
The show has a very uncommon group of characters that keep you interested. The 6 main characters in the family are the “Fat man” Peter, the wife Lois, Meg would be the most hated of the family, she’s the daughter, Chris is the older son, Stewie, who is the talking baby, and the talking dog Brian, who somehow everyone understands.
Even though the show might not be a totally innocent show, it does offer some great laughs. Peter being the main character, I believe, would be the funniest in the way that he cracks jokes throughout the show and does really awkward things, like acts really stupid, talks bad to his daughter, falls and cries for minutes nonstop, randomly gets in fight with this giant chicken and plenty of random things. Lois, I think is one of the least funny people in the show, she just acts like a mom in an irresponsible/funny way. Meg is one funny character in the way that pretty much every person hates her and makes her life a living hell. For example, her dad treats her bad, farts in her face. Chris would be another character that’s hilarious because he is really slow and well dumb. But manages to make everything funny like that fact that he’s scared of an evil monkey in his closet and no one believes him. Stewie I would say everyone who watches the show loves, although he is just the baby he is the one that the show would most like focus in since he is always trying to kill his mom, he’s the only one that is understood by the dog, he is shaped really differently, and no matter what he has never grown up an inch or aged a bit since the show began. The only one remaining is the dog, he makes up in the show for being a dog in the first place who can talk and is understood by everyone, he can drive, and also he’s a drinker.
All in all, if you are tired and are looking for something to make you feel better, Family Guy is the show to watch. It will make you laugh way more than once throughout the show because of the way the characters act. So if you haven’t yet, I recommend you watch family guy.  


  1. Fam Guy is most definetly dope. Yes, many first time viewers might be put off by the show's crude sense of humor and ability to not give a *&%#, but it a great show.

  2. The show south park wishes it was lol the show is so hilarious but sometimes goes off into tangents that have no point whatsoever.

  3. I don't really care for the show. I have tried to watch it but can't sit through a whole episode. South Park to me is WAY better.

  4. I love family guy! I crawl into bed every night @ 11 to watch it on cartoon network :)

  5. Family Guy is still really funny to me, but some episodes aren't too good. It's hard to stay fresh when they've used flashbacks for almost 10 years!

  6. I haven't watched family guy in ages but I do agree that it's a great show

  7. i think family guy is a hilarious show
