Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Fast food in my family had always been a treat. It had never been something my sisters and I could get anytime we wanted. No matter how much we asked for any sort of fast food, my parents would always answer back with a big fat “no”. The only times we would be able to have any burger, fries, or things like that would be if my parents were in a good mood after we went to church, which we did every Sunday, but most of the time they would give us the usual “no”. Another time we would be able to enjoy some greasy food would be when we would go on our two hour road trips to visit my grandmother. We would hate to go because of the fact that it was so far away, but we would think of the advantage of having our way with the fast food for a change.

There was one year back when I remember Mc Donald’s having a really legit burger special, each burger was about 29cents, and each cheese burger was about 30 some odd cents. This was the number one treat that we loved, and my parents rewarded us with, because of the fact that we could get so many little burgers for such a low price. It wasn’t healthy but we rarely got burgers so we were happy to enjoy such a delicious treat.

Now days, fast food has become just as important as remembering to walk. The fact that I have to go to school early in the mornings, waking up late and not having enough time to make a good breakfast at home makes me drive-thru joints in the morning. Although waking up early in the morning to make breakfast is difficult, I have succeeded these past few days since the beginning of this semester. But the one thing that is in a way messing me up, in fact is that I get out of school and I get hungry. Like always I find a way and excuse of saying to myself “just this once”. It makes it harder when I pass all the fast food places on the way home from school. Not only does fast food come in when I get out of school, but also when I decide to hang out with my girlfriend and both of us are hungry but neither of us wants to take the time to make a good home cooked meal. I also get fast food whenever I hang out with friends because when we all get hungry the first thing everyone thinks of getting is a quick burger or pizza. Even at times when I’m not hungry and only one or two friends gets hungry, I still end up going with them to buy food. That’s when I always see the picture of the strawberry shake and my mouth waters until I give in and buy it.

Even though I know that fast food is bad for me, I think that one thing that keeps me eating this junk is the fact that I still work in a fast food joint.


  1. I remember those 28 and 30 cent burgers! Just reading that makes me with we still had that. My mom would buy the max of 30 at one time for dinner when she didn't want to fix dinner.

  2. Whoa! Those were cheap burgers!!! Which fast food place do you work in?

  3. maybe the reason you work at a fast food place is because you never got it as a kid? don't eat it too much or your going to start gaining some weight!
